Studies in the Peshitta Aramaic text of the New Testament
Parallel Translations
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Brand:LWM Publications
Product Description
The Parallel Translations of the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament text combines new and old translations to bring an unprecedented tool of study to the Bible student. It combines the standard King James Version and the new translation by Janet Magiera of the Peshitta with the most popular out of print translation of the New Testament by James Murdock. This combination of translations gives an immediate method of comparison and enables the student of the Bible desiring to study the Biblical text from a variety of angles all in one place. The methods of translation vary from scholar to scholar, but with the ability to compare the verses, the student can check the variations in the choices of words, and then get an overall understanding of the passage. This volume is designed to be used with the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Vertical Interlinear, Dictionary Number Lexicon and Word Study Concordance.
Product Details
Hardcover: 744 pages
Publisher: Light of the Word Ministry (December 10, 2008)